Thursday, September 17, 2015

8 Benefits of Honey - The Great Eight!

Include Honey in Your Diet and Reap The Rewards of Good Health

Honey is not just a naturally made sweeter but has a lot of benefits when it is consumed regularly. Not only is honey great tasting, but it is good for your immune system. Honey is even used as a facial mask to help clean out the pores of your facial skin. Honey could be considered a miracle food and should be included in your diet.

1.Honey is an Energy Booster
Do you ever feel sapped or suddenly find yourself drained of all the energy inside your body? Taking a teaspoon of honey is known to have a great effect on your body as it provides you with instant energy. Many trainers advise to take a teaspoon of honey before working out to get its full benefit. Spreading honey on toast instead of your favorite jam is also a good.

Honey is also an excellent energy booster for kids too. Try to make a habit of giving a teaspoon of honey to your kids so they can get the benefits of this great tasting snack.

2.Helps Bolster the Immune System
Honey has the ability to bolster your immunity when it is taken regularly. Honey has many antioxidant properties which flush out harmful toxins from your body. Honey can improve your physical health but also provide you with a glowing skin. Honey is known to improve the functionality of your digestive system and helps in fighting obesity as well.
It is advised to take a teaspoon of honey along with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon in lukewarm water early in the morning.

3. Anti-Cancer
Honey is also known for its effectiveness in fighting cancer. Honey-derived flavonoids have been proven to fight many forms of cancer. Honey is not a cure for cancer but something people can use to possibly prevent and fight cancer.


Liver Cancer: Gelam honey has been found to kill liver cancer cells

Colorectal Cancer: gelam and nenas monofloral honeys exhibit anti-cancer properites in colorectal cells.

Prostate Cancer: Greek honeys (thyme, pine and fir honey) have been found to exhibit anti-proliferative properties.

4. Good for Cold and Cough
Taking a teaspoon of honey with a little bit of turmeric powder or ground black pepper can do wonders in healing a sore throat or in getting rid of a stubborn cough. Its antimicrobial properties help in killing some of the bacteria. It is an open secret that many singers take a spoonful of honey before giving a live performance.

5. Relieves Insomnia
For those who suffer from sleeplessness, taking honey regularly can be a great source of triggering their sleep. By taking a glass of lukewarm ilk mixed with a tablespoon of honey, one can have a good night’s sleep no matter how severe the sleeping disorder is.

6. Heals Wounds and Treats Burns
While oral consumption of honey is full of amazing benefits, its external application on any types of wounds, cuts and burns also speeds up the healing process.

7. Regulates the Blood Sugar Level
Whenever you feel your blood sugar level going down, take teaspoon of honey immediately. Unlike the regular white sugar which we consume, honey is a natural sweetener and has a balanced amount of glucose and fructose present.

8. Treats UTI and Nausea
Due to its antibacterial properties, honey is a great source of treating urinary tract infections as well as nausea.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Meditation For Your Health

There are many positive effects through meditation

Meditation can be defined as a means get rid of the feelings one has about many events or happenings within our physical world and to therefore rid ourselves of thoughts of attachment or hate that may reside within our psyche. It may also be said to be a natural way of getting yourself to experience lifes situation "in the moment". Meditation can also be described as a practiced form of mental discipline by which we tend to get beyond the normal reflective thinking mind into a deeper state of relaxation and sensitivity.

Why would someone want to meditate?
Meditation helps to bring stability to a mind that is in a state of chaos. When we meditate, our inner minds focuses mainly on the situations that are happening at the present time and it excludes itself from every other event that has taken place in past or that is going to occur in the future. Meditation helps us focus more and it pulls our minds out of every form of chaos a mind could be going through.

Meditation is additionally said to be a form of stress relief, this anti stress factor associated with meditation is known to act against premature aging. Our body begins to age as a result of reduction in the performance of our endocrine system. The endocrine system is accountable for producing the body's hormones. Growth hormone (HGH) keeps us healthy through continuous reproduction of our cells - particularly, DHEA. DHEA (dehydroeplandrosterone) is very important in delaying aging by reducing stress from our emotional and mental activities. Meditating provides our minds with a favorable break from stress, just like a good sleep provides our body with a chance to rest.

The proof that meditation contributes against aging has been proven in various scientific studies in which individuals who had regular meditation had big increase in the production of DHEA. Also, in another study, it was also proven that people that meditated for over five years looked younger physiologically by over ten years than those that don’t meditate; in another study, called the "Neurobiology of Aging", it was revealed that meditation had "neuroprotective" advantages on the brain by helping to increase the brain's grey matter content.

Meditation brings peace to a mind that may not be at peace. The practice of meditation helps us to manage our thoughts, instead of allowing our thoughts manage us. Meditation not only reduces stress, but it also retards aging by keeping the mind active.

Apart from reducing aging, research has discovered that meditation has several other advantages in the bolstering our health and this advantages are;

1. Lowering of gas consumption, reduction in the rate of respiration, increase in rate of blood flow, slows the rate of heart beat and therefore so will increase heart strength when exercising.

2. It is of great help for people living with high pressure and other chronic diseases like inflammation, disease and allergies.

3. It increases the level of relaxation thereby helping people with anxiety disorders and tension headaches in a positive way.

4. It has been found to have positive effects on moods and behavior because it will increase the production of the hormone known as serotonin. Reduced amount of serotonin in the body has been found to lead to depression, obesity, insomnia, headaches and a few other different diseases.

5. It reduces pains that occur from premenstrual syndromes and also the symptoms of menopause in women.

6. Meditation boosts the immune system. By having this effect it helps to reduce occurrence of all of the diseases in the human body.

There are five important techniques of meditation that are known to man kind and they are;

1. THE BREATHING MEDITATION- This is one of the most powerful and recognized forms of meditation. It is done by simply watching how we breath and then giving our minds something to focus on in a relaxed manner.

2. THE MINDFULNESS MEDITATION- This is often the foremost used kind of meditation during this age. It allows an individual to become of tuned in to every thought in their head. This allows them to quiet the background noises and eliminate negative thoughts.

3. THE CHAKRA/MANTRA MEDITATION- It involves somebody focusing on a specific part of their body. It may also be likened to the mantra wherever the individual says the word ‘mantra’ repeatedly.

4. THE WALKING/MOVEMENT MEDITATION- This is often the sort of technique that's done by moving a specific a part of your body or by moving the whole body. The person will try this by sitting alone in a very lonely place then by moving the upper part of his body back and forth. It may also be administrated by moving to and fro a selected place. This is often done secluded gardens or in vegetative areas.

5. THE MINDLESS MEDITATION- This is often the sort of meditation that an individual to remembers things with no specific focus. It is done by simply sitting down with eyes closed and permitting thoughts to float in and out of the mind freely.